We Can Change Our Future
Environment, Trinidad and Tobago

Our Coral Reefs Health is Our Wealth

Our coral reefs are our oceans' gift to us and we must strive to preserve it. Losing them will not only spell an economic disaster but a global environmental crisis.The tourism industry is one of the most influential industries on our oceans. It is simply not an option for us to sit idly by while they are being destroyed, because, as Caribbean people, our livelihoods are heavily reliant on our oceans. We have the power to shape our future therefore my final question to you is - Will you choose to be a responsible tourist and help save our oceans?


Sustaining All Life on Earth

Authored by Ja Neir Millington. Life. What is it? More often than not, one’s mind instantly thinks of human life, maybe even animal life - but it’s more than just that. Life can refer to humans, animals, plants and even the earth itself. It can be said to refer to any component of biodiversity. This… Continue reading Sustaining All Life on Earth

Agriculture, Climate, Environment, Gender, Trinidad and Tobago

Bro, is it Gay To Recycle?

By Megan Pirali It’s no secret that Trinidad and Tobago has a rampant culture of hyper-masculinity. Almost every man in this society will go the extra mile to prove that he name man. But how is this reflected in his day to day activities? According to a study done by the University of Utah, researcher… Continue reading Bro, is it Gay To Recycle?

Climate, CPEF, Environment, Plastics, Trinidad and Tobago, Zero Waste


                                                                              YOU! By Satesh Sookhai Most of the times when we think about the environment, we often… Continue reading YOU!


Urbanized Composting Units

by Renaldo Lewis* Composting is essentially a process to actively decompose organic waste at a rate faster than the materials would naturally decay if left alone, with the aim to reduce its volume and produce nutrient rich fertilizer. Antidotal evidence would suggest that people are generally more inclined to compost their yard trimmings but far… Continue reading Urbanized Composting Units